[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel
Liverpool, on Tuesday, 13th Oct. 1936]
Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins,
J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Secy.
Minutes of Meeting held on 6th inst.
were read & confirmed.
Finance Receipts were reported:-
Gate v Wolverhampton W. £2012.15. 4
Share of do v Tranmere £ 9. 2. 0
Sunderland F.C. 20% £ 277.14.10
Burnley F.C. 1st Instal. Transfer £ 750. 0. 0
Cheques were signed:-
Customs & Excise Tax £ 332.16.5
L'pool City Police Services £ 16. 1.0
Wolverhampton Wands. F.C. 20% £ 248. 8.2
Football League 1% £ 16. 2.1
Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £ 360. 0.0
Bank Balance £6100.18.9 Cr.
Results Reports were given of the matches:- v Wolverhamp-
ton W. 1-0, v Tranmere Rovers 1-2, v Aston Villa Res. 2-2, v Skelmersdale 2-1.
Officials Report Dr. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported upon
the physical condition of players.
Teams These were chosen:-
v Leeds Utd. (a) 17th inst.
Sagar, Jackson, Cook, Britton, Jones T. G., Mercer,
Geldard, Gillick, Dean, Stevenson, Leyfield. Res. - Watson.
v Bury Res. (h)
King, Lambert, Jones J. E., Lindley, Walkden, Thomson,
Arthur, Bentham, Bell, Hurel, Coulter. Res. - Webster.
Bell (123) It was decided to offer this player
to Aston Villa F.C. at £3,000. (214)
Directors away To Cardiff:- Mr. W. C. Cuff.