
		White, Lambert, Jones J. E., Lindley, Jones J. G., Thomson, Arthur
		Bentham, Bell, Hurel, Leyfield. Res. Hannon.
Directions away		To Tranmere:- Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & T. Percy.
			"  Birmingham:- Messrs J. Sharp, G. Evans & T. Percy.

Swansea Players		Mr. W. J. Wallace thought Olsen (I. L.) was too
		slow altho'clever. He gave a very good opinion of Warner
		(R. H.) who was small, but outstanding.

Hume, (Linfield)	Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that this player
		was 5'6" & 10 st., very good but no use in League football.

Glaister (Nth. Shields)	Mr. H. R. Pickering was not impressed by
		this O. L. who was 18, 5'8", & 10st 2. He was 'green' & poor.

N. E. Players		Mr. W. Laine gave good reports of Shafts
		(O. R.) Hexham; Barron (O. L.) Bishop Auckland &
		Cosker (C. H.) of Blyth.

Bonney (Chorley)	Mr. J. Elliott was very impressed by the
		form of this C. F. who was 19 or 20, 5'9".

Reed (Watford)		Mr. J. H. Ford had good impressions of
		this L. H., who was 5'10" or 11" & well built.

Members Tkts.		It was decided to consider this item
		at the next Meeting. (184)

Lancs. Cup 2nd Rnd. (28) Agreed that this match at Manchester
		be played on the 28th inst.

Miller & Stein		Secy. reported the signing of these players
		for Burnley F. C. & it was resolved to apply to F. L.
		for permission to pay Accrued Shares as suggested at our
		last Meeting.

Geldard			Enquiry for this player reported from West
		Ham F. C. but not entertained.

Chesterfield F. C.	Further enquiry from this Club for half,(244)
		backs, but agreed that we could not spare any at present.
Gwladys St. Property (170) After heaving the report of Messrs Cuff
		& Percy on their interviews with departmental
		heads, it was agreed that demolition be proceeded (184)
		with forthwith, Mr. A. Leitch to be consulted immidiately.