
		reports of this full back.

Brattey (Barrow)	Mr. J. Fare gave a fair report on their L. H. B. who
		was 22 & 5'9".

Dryden (Bristol City)	Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a very good opinion
		of this O. L.

Cardiff Players		He thought that Fielding (G) & Granoille(F. B.)
		were poor, but Pugh (O. R.) although small, was young, fast & good.

Members Tickets		Mr. E. Green gave notice of motion in respect
		of this item for the agenda of next Meeting.

A. Dickinson	(176)	Secy. reported the signing on by Port Vale
		F. C. of this player, on our conditions. (203)

J. E. Jones		Chairman reported the result of his
		letter to the F. A. re the caution administered to our

J. Clennell		Letter read from this ex-player but as action taken.

W. Stewart		It was reported that this ex-player was
		very ill, & Secy. was instructed to make enquiries &
		if satisfied as to the necessity, give him Five pounds (223)

Walverton Ams F.C.	Decided to make a 2nd & Final
		Donation of Ten Guineas.

Message of Thanks	This reported from Miss Sharp.
Gillick		(117)	Decided that this player be released,
		should the Scottish F. A. require his services for Oct. 14th
Watson & Thomson	Enquiry from Chesterfield for these players
		was not entertained.

Inter League Match (176) It was agreed to entertain certain officials
at Goodison	on the eve of this match, the dinners to be at 10/6 per head. (185)

Players to Watch	Messrs Cuff & Percy to Watch Olsen (Swansea)
			Other arrangements to be made.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, 6th October at 5.15 pm.

							Confirmed as correct
								W. C. Cuff