176 White, Lambert, Jones J. E., Lindley, Jones T. G., Thomson, Geldard, Bentham, Bell, Miller, Seyfield Res. Watson. Directors Away Messrs J. Sharp & G. Evans to Huddersfield. Taylor (Carlisle) The Chairman reported this players suspension for 14 days. Mr. J. Fare gave a bad report of his character. Allan (Raith Rovers) Messrs J. Fare & R. R. Cochran gave excellent reports of this R. B. who was 24, 5'9½" & 12st. Guthrie (Dundee) Mr. Cochran gave "only fair" as his verdict of this R. H. B. who was slow & parted carelessly with the ball. Hogg (Celtic) Mr. W. Laine was not impressed by the form of this F. B. Who was 5'7½". J. Arthur (164) The signing of this player at £2/15/- per week, with £5 Signing on Bonus, was reported & confirmed. Scotland v England Decided to book 10 Tickets @ £1/1/- each. (178) Dickinson A. Requests were reported from Port Vale & Southport F. C.'s for this players' transfer. It was decided to give the former Club permission to approach him, & cond- itional upon Dickinson's agreement, that he play for them but that we retain all control of his future movements. (178) Barnoldswick Town (177) This Club asked for further financial assistance, but this was not entertained at present. (199) Southern Murmurs Decided to purchase 40 tickets at 4/- for this Charity entertainment Letters of Thanks These reported from all Benefiting Charities. Players to Watch Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey to see Allan & to have discretionary powers for negotiating. Mr. J. Fare to watch Brattey Mr. W. J. Wallace do Dryden. Next Meeting Monday, the 28th inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.