174 Chorley Players Mr. J. Elliott gave good reports of Bond (O. R.), Wright (I. R.) & Wilkinson(L. B.). Scotch Players Mr R. R. Cochran's report on certain players was read. He strongly recommended Carabine. (3rd Lanark). Howarth (Chester) Mr. F. W. Lake strongly recommended these & Brattay (Barrow) respective L. H. Backs. W. R. Miller It was agreed that this player be put on the transfer list at £2,000. This was at his own desire. J. Arthur Decided that this player be offered an engagement at £2.15.0 per week. F. A. Report Secy. reported upon caution re J. E. Jones conduct. Chairman offered to take this matter in hand. It was agreed to accept this offer. J. Stein It was also agreed that this player be valued at £1000 for transfer purposes. (194) Free State F. A. Request received for the release of Stev- enson for this Associations' match with Germany on Oct. 17th. This was not entertained. Boards around It was agreed that no further Ground concerns be granted this privilege. Lost Script Messrs. C. R. P. Kirkwood having given an indemnity against loss of script, it was decided that, after a lapse of 6 months, new script might be issued. Letter of Thanks This was read, from the Goodfellow Fund. Dean W. R. Chairman reported that the Football League had granted our request to be permitted to make a presentation. players to watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Taylor (Carlisle) Mr. W. J. Wallace do Dryden (Bristol City) Mr. F. W. Lake do Chorley Players. Next Meeting Monday, the 21st inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.