162 L. B. It was agreed to offer him terms at £4/10/- weekly if he proved satisfactory in a trial match. L'pool Senior Cup. Mr. E. Green & Secy. were deputed to attend a meeting of this Committee. W. Scott. It was agreed that a wreath be sent to the funeral of this ex-player. St. Malachy's F. C. Decided that a sum of £12/10/- be sent to this Club towards their expenses for Season 1936-7. Everton S. C. Permission was granted to our players to enter a squadoon team in the Animal Gala organized by this Club. Letter of Thanks This read from Bootle Cricket Club. J. Worthington It was agreed to grant this applicant a free ticket for admission to our matches during Season 1936-7. Gillick (117) This player was given leave of absence from training on the 21st inst. (178) Players Golf Decided that the players be entertained to a day's golf at Ormskirk on the 24th inst. Deaf & Dumb Socy. An appeal from this Society for free tickets for matches was not entertained. Smith (Rangers) It was decided to enquire from the Club as to the players price if he was to be transferred. A. E. Morton J. P. Agreed that this gentleman should be given a Complimentary ticket for League matches. J. C. Wright Mr. E. Green reported that the Bowater's Club were likely to meet any liability with regard to the loss of this gentleman's raincoat during the Sports Day at Ellesmere Port. Next Meeting Tuesday 25th inst. at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman