157 Ground:- Messrs E. Green, G. Evans, T. Percy & Dr. Baxter. Stores:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, A. Coffey & Dr. C. S. Baxter. Day & Hour of Meeting Tuesdays at 5.15. Tea to follow. Quoran This to stand as at present, viz., 4. Catering Quotations were received from City Caterers Ltd. for £135 per annum & W. H. McConnell for £140 per annum. It was decided to accept the latter's tender & if satisfactory, to conclude a further 5 years agreement from May, 1937, whereby the cost of improvements to stalls would be equally borne as between W. H. McConnell & the Everton F. C. the stalls to become the property of Everton F. C. at the conclusion of the further agreement. It was also decided to experiment with Barker & Dobson's suggestion re Catering for the Offices, Press & Stewards rooms. Ground (47) Estimates were received for electrical work from H. Roberts £53.15.0 & A. Stanwell £45. It was agreed that the latter be accepted. (196) F. Hargreaves It was agreed to donate Five Guineas to a testimonial Fund for the Lancs. F. A. Secretary. Programme Mr. E. A. Morton again tendered for the usual rights for publication of the programme, but it was decided to organise our own programme & to discontinue the former arrangement. (158) Williams & Hughes It was agreed to give these players free transfers. Hullett Request from Tranmere Rovers F. C. for this players services was not entertained. (221) Transfer of Shares (143) Following transfers were approved:- Shares 1514 to 1516 from W. O., F. H. & E. D. Mathias to F. R. Smith. Shares 2455, 135-149, 459-468, 1405-1414, 940-945 & 1891-1950 from Exors A. R. Wade to E. M. Wade. (187)