156 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on Tuesday, 23rd June, 1936] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Mr. H. Banks. The Minutes of the Meetings held on the 11th inst. were read & confirmed. H. Banks, Esq. This Directors condition was reported unchanged. Chairman Mr. A. Coffey proposed & Mr. J. Sharp seconded that Mr. W. C. Cuff be re-elected Chairman. This was carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Mr. W. C. Cuff proposed & Mr. G. Evans seconded that Mr. E. Green be re-elected Vice Chairman. This was also unanimously carried. It was noted that this was the 15th time in succession that these Directors had been appointed to these Offices. They expressed their thanks to their Colleagues. Vacancy on Board The names submitted at the A. G. M., viz., Messrs W. R. Williams, F. W. Lake & A. N. Denaro, were considered along with that of Mr. T. Percy. It was agreed that a vote be taken as between Mr. W. R. Williams, who was proposed by Mr. W. C. Gibbins & seconded by Mr. A. Coffey; & Mr. T. Percy who was proposed by Mr. G. Evans & seconded by Dr. C. S. Baxter. The voting resulted:- Mr. T. Percy 4, Mr. W. R. Williams 3 & Mr. Thos. Percy was declared duly elected. He was unanimously co-opted as a member of the Board in place of the late Mr. A. R. Wade. Sub. Committees The following sub-Committees were appointed:- Finance:- Messrs A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp & G. Evans.