155 Vote of Thanks Mr. A. N. Denaro proposed a Vote of Thanks to the Directors for their Services during the past Season. The Shareholders, he said, realised that the 1st Div. teams were very well matched & that things could not always turn out as desired. He wished to couple with his thanks, a warm message of congratulation to the Chairman upon his selection as Vice President of the Football League, & President of the Central League. These were honours that applied not only to himself but to the Club. Mr. T. Taylor in seconding Mr. Denaro's motion, said that the Shareholders realised that they could not do the work better & they acknow- ledged the great amount of time & energy given up to the fulfilment of the Club's business. He also coupled his name with the message of congratulation to the Chairman. Mr. Cuff responded both on behalf of himself & his Colleagues on the Board. The Meeting then closed. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman