He deplored the loss of men like John
McKenna, A. R. Wade & Tom McIntosh. Mr. Wade was
always a great worker in the interests of the Club,
& was Everton from head to foot. Everyone mar-
velled at the fortitude of Mr. McIntosh & nobody
cared to dilate on the suffering he had undergone.
As regards Mr. Mckenna, his loss was doubly felt
by Football & the City of Liverpool. Aged 82,
he had been associated with Association Football
for ¾th of his life. He had risen from Secretary
of the Liverpool F. C. to President of the Football
League & the passing of these famous men left
gaps that were difficult to fill.
Auditors Report Mr. H. W. Bowler than read the Auditors Report.
Passing of Balance On the proposition of the Chairman,
Sheet seconded by Mr. E. Green, the Directors Report,
Statement of A/cs & Balance Sheet were unanimously
Dividend It was agreed, on the proposition of
Mr. G. Evans, seconded by Mr. W. C. Gibbins, that a
Dividend of 7½ % (less Income Tax) be paid on the Paid-up
Capital of the Company for the year ending 2nd May, 1936.
Election of Auditors Mr. C. Wright proposed & Mr. J. Wallace
seconded that Messrs T. Theodore, Rogers, Bowler & Co.,
be re-elected Auditors at a Fee of Sixty Guineas.
Election of Directors There being no nominations, the Chairman
declared the retiring Directors, Messrs W. C. Cuff,
A. Coffey & J. Sharp, election for the ensuing 3 years.
Mr. A. N. Denars, stated that there was no intention
of opposing the retiring Directors, but that, on account
of the death of Mr. A. R. Wade, the Shareholders would
welcome an opportunity being given to them, to
nominate a Candidate for the vacancy. He asked
that a Meeting should be arranged, at which a