						The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.


						    For Year ending 2nd May, 1936.

		   1935		 EXPENDITURE.		May 2nd, 1936	   	  1935		     INCOME.		May 2nd, 1936
		£   s.  d.				   £   s.  d.		£   s.  d.				   £   s.  d.
			  To Players' Wages & Transfer			    55543   0   5 By Gate Receipts ... ... ... 42070   6   6
	    10949  10	0	Fees, &c ... ... ...   20407   0   0			  ,, Proceeds of Matches played
	     3406   0   0 ,, Players' Benefits ... ...  1385  10   0	     5310  14   2	away, &c. ... ... ...    3849  14  10
			  ,, Medical Fees, Players' Ac- 		    _____________			       _____________
	      448  19   1    cident Insurance, &c. ...   599   5   2	    60853  14   7			       45920   1   4
	    13262   7   4 ,, Gate Division to Visitors  5752   7   1
	     3320   2   2 ,, Travelling Expenses ... ...3707   5   6	      646  19   6 ,, Season Tickets ... ... ...  747   4   0
			  ,, Advertising, Bill posting,					  ,, Advertising Contractors for
	      849   4   8	Printing and Stationery  829  18   6				Programmes, Hoardings
	     1668  12   1 ,, Gate Expenses, Checkers,&c.1346  18   3	      310   2   0	and Refreshments ... ... 403   2   7
			  ,, Training Expenses and				2  16   0 ,, Share Transfer Fees ... ...   2   5   0
	     1879   5   2 	Trainers' Wages	... ... 1413  15   1	       85  12	8 ,, Bank Interest		  68   8   8
			  ,, Ground Expenses and 									 ___________
	     4461   8   6 	Groundsmen's Wages ...  7486  19  11						      £47141   1   7
			  ,, National Health and Un-
	       85  10   1	employment Insurance ...  82  19  11			  ,, Balance to Profit and Loss
			  ,, Rent, Rates, Taxes, Light-						Account ... ... ... ... 8813   7   1
				ing, Water, Telephone,
	     3710   7   8	Insurance, &c. ... ...  3074   6   8
	     9202  19   4 ,, Entertainment Tax ... ...  6683  13   6
			  ,, Office Expenses, Secretary's
	     1413   8   0 	Salary, Postages, &c.   1194   8   7
	       73   3   6 ,, Bank Commission ... ... ...  84  19   0
	      562   3   8 ,, Clothing, Material & Stores 429   3   1
			  ,, League Percentages, Sub-
				scriptions, Contributions,
	     1180   3   9	&c ... ... ... ... ...  1403  11  11
			  ,, Law Costs and Accountancy
	       72   9  10	Charges ... ... ... ...	  72   6   6
	   ______________			      ______________
	   £56545  14  10			      £55954   8   8
			  ,, Balance to Profit and Loss
	     5353   9  11	Account ... ... ...
	   ______________			      ______________	   ______________			      ______________
	   £61899   4   9			      £55954   8   8	   £61899   4	9			      £55954   8   8
	   ______________			      ______________	   ______________			      ______________


							For Year ending 2nd May, 1936.
		   1935					May 2nd, 1936	   	  1935					May 2nd, 1936
		£   s.  d.				   £   s.  d.		£   s.  d.				   £    s.  d.
			  To Dividend declared 13th					  By Surplus at May 4th, 1935
			  	June, 1935 at 7½ per cent.		    56342   6   0	as per Certified Accounts 59410 18  3
				per annum, less Income
	      113   4   0	Tax ... ... ... ... ...  113   4   0	     1029  17   0 ,, Income from Properties ... ... 518 12  4
			  To Depreciation and amounts
				now written off Property,				  ,, Interest on Investments—
	     3655   4  10	Stands, &c. ... ... ... 3466   8  11	      175   0   0	War Loan  ...  £262 10  0
										3   4   6	Consolidated Loan 3  4  6
			  ,, Amount of Expenditure							       __________   265 14  6
				over Income ... ... ... 8813   7   1			  ,, Refund of Health and
												Unemployment Insurance
	    59410  18   3 ,, Balance carried forward   47802   5   1	      275   9   8	overpaid in previous years
											  ,, Amount of Income over
									     5353   9  11	Expenditure ... ...
	   ______________			      ______________	   ______________				 ____________
	   £63179   7   1			      £60195   5   1	   £63179   7   1				 £60195  5  1
	   ______________			      ______________	   ______________				 ____________