152 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in Law Association Rooms, Cook St. on Thursday, 11th June, 1936] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, G. Evans, Dr. C. S. Baxter & 65 Shareholders. Secy. read the Notice, convening the Meeting. It was agreed that the Press be admitted. Directors Report & B/S. On the Motion of the Chairman it was agreed that these be taken as read. The Chairman briefly went through the items of the Income & Expenditure Accounts & explained decreases & increases. He invited questions but none were asked. Speaking of the playing record, he regretted to report what might have been called a 'disappointing season', but it was a well-known fact that for months, as many as 16 Clubs had been in what was termed the 'Danger Zone', & a win or a loss at this juncture meant either a big jump or a corresponding drop. Withal, the handicap that we suffered at the start of the Season, through serious injuries which were bound to affect the morale of the other players, had been overcome; & with the players pulling together, our later record was such, that, had it been sustained throughout the whole Season, we would certainly have occupied an even more respectable position. With good things in mind for the future, the Directors would not be stampeded into buying anything.