149 Crawcrook F. C. Letter read recommending Callendar 16, I.R, but it was agreed that we were fully staffed. Admira F. C. Request from this Club for match in England was not entertained. Bootle J. O. C. League Letter read from this organization & it was agreed to purchase a Cup for their use, up to the value of £10. St. Malachy's F. C. Donation of £5 was granted to this Club. County Rd. Wesleyan This Church was granted the use of the Practice Ground for a Garden Fete on July 4th. L'pool County Comb. It was agreed to entertain this body as usual for their Annual Meeting at Goodison Park. Next Meeting Thursday, the 11th inst. at 5.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman