144 [Meetings of Directors held at Exchange Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 5th May, 1936] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff (with the F. A. team abroad) & Mr. H. Banks. Minutes of meeting of the 28th April & of Finance Meetings held on the 30th Apl., 1936 were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Preston North End. £1244.10.11 Barker & Dobson's Sweetmeat Rights £35.0.0 L'pool County F. A. Share of Finals £61.16.0 A cheque was signed:- H. Hart Staff Wages £67.12.6 Bank Balance £3971.14.7 Cr. Accounts & B/S. Mr. H. Bowler attended & presented the statement of A/cs for the year ending 2nd May, 1936, & it was resolved that:- 1. The Amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet, at £541.5.10. That a Depreciation of 10% be written off all Stands, Hoardings & Erections amounting to £1521.17.2 15% off Marconiphone Equipment, amounting to £54.11.9 & off the Gwladys St. Property, an amount of £1890.0.0. That the amount expended on Clothing & Stores, £429.3.1 be written off Income & Expenditure Account. That the Statement of Accounts, Profit & Loss. Account & Balance Sheet be approved. That a Dividend of 7½ % (Less Income Tax) on the paid- up Capital of the Company, be recommended. Annual Meeting It was decided to had the Annual General