143 Players Signed Reported that all had now accepted terms excepting Watson, who had asked for £4 Summer & £4/10/- Winter. It was agreed to pay this wage. Prescott had accepted 30/- Summer & £2 Winter & Walkden & Tunney £1 Summer & £2 Winter. Directorate After some discussion it was decided him con, not to make any nominations for the seat on the Directorate left account by the death of Mr. A. R. Wade (145) Lancashire F. A. (127) It was decided to nominate Mr. E. Green to this Association as a Council Member representing. Division 5. (150) T. Fleetwood (139) It was agreed to repay to this employee the sum of £2 to cover the costs of his recuperation. Dolphin F. C. Letter read requesting the services of Stevenson & Kavanagh for 4th May. Decided not to grant permission for Stevenson to play. Kavanagh's services being at his own disposal. L'pool Donation Agreed to grant £15 to the L'pool County F. A. Benevolent Fund. Letter of Thanks These read from St. Johns Ambulance Brigade & Occupational Centres Committee. Players on Transfer List read from Bradford F. C. but no action taken. Players to watch Messrs Coffey & Evans to watch Gorman (B'burn) Secy. do Green (Torquay) Next Meeting Tuesday 5th May at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman