139 his further view of this player. Davies (Abercynon) Mr. T. Fleetwood was highly pleased with the display of this 15 year C. F. who was coming for a trial in August. Whitfield (Bury) He T. F. thought this L. H. was very bad, but that Lawton C. F. Burnley was good. N. Eastern Players Mr. W. Laine gave promising reports of several juniors & it was agreed that they also come down on trial, before next Season. Players Signed Secy. reported the acceptance of all offers to players excepting Jackson & Holmes, the latter not yet having been approached. On Holmes' reports it was decided not to retain him. Secy. was instructed to make the following offers:- Hamon £2 & £2 with proviso as to fitness after one month's trial. Watson £3/10/- & £4/10/- Cuff £2 & £3/10/- Hurel £2 & £4 Prescot, Tunney & Walkden, powers up to £2 all the year around. Jackson £6 & £7. "A" Team Ground (136) It was agreed to terminate the contrast with Marine F. C. & to accept the offer of L'pool Co-op Socy. Ltd., for the use of the ground for every Saturday for £75 per annum. T. Fleetwood (117) Secy. reported receipt of £9/15/- from the National Health Insurance scheme in respect of this employee. He was instructed to ascertain the in North Wales cost of Fleetwood's recuperation expenses at Rhyl. (143) F. L. & C. L. Nominations It was unanimously agreed to nominate Mr. W. C. Cuff as President of these organisations & to support Mr. Edwards of the Arsenal F. C. for the vacancy on the Football League Management Committee.