133 Pryde (Blackburn) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a very poor report of this L. H. Young (Queens Park) Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a good report of this L. B. Cuff (Nth. Shields) Mr. Alan Grenyer's letter having been read it was agreed to bring this I. F. down for trial. (135) Kidd (Chesterfield) Mr. F. W. Lake's report was read re this L. B., who was at least 27 years old. It was entirely unfavorable. Cresswell After this player's record had been given, it was agreed that, if necessary there should be no fee attached to his transfer, & that, application be made to pay £520 as Accrued Share of Benefit. Retain & Transfer The following wages terms were agreed on Players Wages for offer to the Retained players:- £6 Summer & £8 Winter:- Sagar, Cook, Jones J. E., Britton, Mercer, White, Gee, Thomson, Gildard, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Gillick, Coulter, Miller. £6 Summer & £7 Winter:- Archer, Leyfield & Bell. King £5 & £6, F. White £3 & £4, Jackson £5 & £7, Morris, Allen & Lindley, £2/10/- & £2/10/-, Lambert £2 & £2/10/-, T. G. Jones £5 & £5, Bentham £4 & £6, Webster £3 & £3, Stein £6 & £6, Dickinson £3 & £4, Joyce £3 & £4/10/-, Holmes £3 & £3/10/-, Hullett £2 & £2. 'A' Team Ground Consideration of this for 1936-7 was deferred. (136) Ground Mr. W. C. Cuff was deputed to interview Mr. Godseff in behalf of the Board. Bathroom It was decided to get estimates & expert opinion as to suggested alterations in the home bathroom. F. L. Meeting Secy. read notice convening the Meeting (148) for 24th inst. in London. It was agreed that Mr. E. Green attend. Free State F. A. Letter read requesting serious of Stevenson for Continental Tour. Decided that under present circumstances this could not be entertained. North African Tour It was agreed not to consider a tour of Algiers Oran & Casablanca in May next. Tape Machine (130) Information to hand was given to