130 Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Gillick Res. Gee. v Manchester City Res. (h) do. King, Jackson, Morris, Britton, Jones, Archer, Leyfield, E. Hurel, Bell, Miller, Coulter Res. Williams. v L'pool 'A' Left to Mr. H. R. Pickering. Directors to London All Directors with the exception of Mr. England v Scotland W. C. Gibbins, Mr. E. Green was deputed to interview Mr. A. Masser of Leeds Utd. F. C. on the morning of April 4th. Officials to Stoke Mr. H. Hart & Secy. Price (Bangor) Mr. J. Fare did not recommend this L. B. but he was very impressed by the form shewn by Kidd (L. B.) Chesterfield & Jenkinson (L. B.) Stockport County. McDowall (Sunderland) Secy. did not think this L. H. sufficiently good in comparison with Archer, to consider him to be worth the £4,000 asked by the Sunderland Club. Egan (Hibernians) Mr. R. R. Cochran's report re this player was read. He had played as an I. L. in this particular match. Vacancy on Board Consideration of this was deferred. Scouts It was decided to reengage Messrs R. R. Cochran & W. Laine from May 2nd 1936 to May 1st 1937 at wages of £4 & £2 weekly, plus expenses. Tape Machine Secy. was instructed to enquire the cost of installation of one of these machines in our offices. (133) Retain & Transfer Lists It was agreed that the following players be placed on the Transfer List at these prices, viz. Williams & Cresswell £500 each, Kavanagh & Datson at £250 each, Hughes at £250 & Sandham & Hammon, free Transfer. Secy. instructed to give the Board Cresswell's record since his last benefit. (253) Use of Ground This was granted to L'pool Shipping League & St. Luke's Church. Letters of Thanks These read from Exors J. McKenna & Waterloo & Dist. Schools Association.