120 Staff Appointments Consideration of these items was left over & Army F. A. until a later Meeting. Lindley It was reported that this player had signed as a professional at the terms offered. Letters of Condolence Letters read from L'pool, Leeds Utd. & Tranmere Rovers F. C.'s, regretting the loss of Mr. A. R. Wade. Letter of Thanks This read from the Juvenile Instruction Centre at Florence Institute. Transfer of Shares (84) The following was approved:- Shares 490 & 2304 from Xors. Jas. Guthrie to Mary Gillon Guthrie (140). Players on Transfer Lists read from Burnley, Manchester City, Blackburn Rovers & Bradford Clubs but no action taken. Players to Watch Messrs Gibbins & Evans to watch Jones (Wrexham). Next Meeting Tuesday, 10th March, 1936, at 5 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.