119 Directors away Mr. E. Green with team. Report re Hunt Mr. J. Fare gave a fairly good yet doubtful report of this player. Secy. reported that the club were not prepared to sell but would consider an exchange. Agreed that we had no one of their requirements, whom we were prepared to let go. Beattie (St. Johnstone) Mr. R. R. Cochran again gave poor reports of this C. F. Jones (Wrexham) (113) Mr. F. W. Lake gave a very good report of this C. H. who was 18. (121) Football League & Pools (117) Messrs Gibbins & Evans reported on the proceedings of the Meeting at Leeds called by the Leeds United Club on Monday, the 2nd inst. Arising from this Meeting, a resolution had been sent to the Football League Management Committee, requesting them to revert to the original fixture list, before Saturday, the 7th inst. Secretary read the notice from the Football League, convening the Meeting of Clubs at Manchester on the 9th inst., & it was agreed that Messrs Gibbins & Evans should attend. They were empowered to vote against the approval of the Resolutions passed at the Meeting held in Manchester on the 20th February, 1936, which were as follows:- 1. That this Meeting of Representatives of League Clubs is of the opinion that Football Pool Betting is a menace to the game of Association Football and pledges itself to make every effort possible to suppress the evil. 2. That the Management Committee be herby empowered to take such steps as they may deem expedient to bring about the suppression of Pool Betting, including the scheme suggested by Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe for an alteration of the Fixtures, the new Fixtures to be disclosed to the Clubs in time to complete their travelling arrangements but too late for the completing of Coupons, such scheme to be put into operation after the 22nd. February. (122) Letter read from the Nat'l Union of Clerks.