117 June, 1935, & that this resolution be made public forthwith. (119) Kirkham Secy. reported that this player had signed professional forms for Wolverhampton, Wanderers F. C. Lindley, M. It was agreed to offer this player £10 signing on Fee & wages of £2.10.0 per week until the end of the Season, any extraordinary expenses to be met by the Club. He to be permitted to follow his usual occupation until the termination of his apprenticeship. Irish Free State F. A. (113) This Association applied for permission to play Stevenson v Switzerland on 17th March 1936, but the application was not entertained. (191) Fleetwood, T. This employee was granted permission to be absent from business for 2 weeks further on his Doctor's recommendation. (139) Gillick T. Decided to apply to the Football League for permission to pay this player's removal expenses. (162) Junior Instruction Centre It was agreed to offer 6 Paddock admittances for each League match to this organization. (164) Use of Ground This was granted to the L'pool Midweek League & the L'pool Schools Association. Letters of Thanks These were read from South L'pool F. C., Barnoldswick Town F. C., Irish F. A. & the Army Recruiting Office. Players on Transfer List read from Sheffield Wedy. F. C. but no action taken. Players to Watch This arrangement was left in the hands of the Secretary. Next Meeting Tuesday, March 3rd @ 5 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman