Whitfield & Brain Messrs A. Coffey & W. C. Gibbins stated that
he was
they were not very impressed by the former, but that the latter
seemed a good player & shot well. Mr. A. Coffey thought Whitfield
was very good particularly in his use of the ball, whilst
Brain also appealed to him as plucky & skilful. He was 25.
Sherbourne (Chorley) Mr. J. Fare thought nothing of this I. F.
Davies E. (Bangor) Mr. J. Elliott gave a fairly good report of
this C. F. who was 20 & 5'8½".
Evans (Walsall) Mr. H. Hart could form no definite opinion
of this player on account of the state of the ground.
Treanor & Harker Mr. F. W. Lake could not recommend Harker
(Accrington) (I. L.) but gave a good report of Treanor (L. H.) & Reynolds
(O. R.).
Wellington & Shrewsbury Mr. T. Kelly could not recommend any
Players of these players owing to their past experiences with
League Clubs.
Taylor (Bristol R.) Mr. W. J. Wallace again gave a promising
report of this I. F. who was only 18.
Dalton (Evenwood) Mr. W. Laine was not impressed by this
C. F.
F. A. re Nursery Clubs Mr. W. C. Cuff reported the result of the
Meeting held in London.
Lancs. F. A. Cup. (3) Mr. W. C. Gibbins reported the revised lines
upon which this Competition was to operate next Season.
Chelsea Match. Decided that the team should travel to
London on the Morning of the match.
Property Owners Assocn. Agreed to donate Five Guineas to the
Fighting Fund of this Association.
Letters of Thanks These read from Royal Southern Hospital,
L'pool Gymnasts & League of Welldoers.
Use of Ground This was granted to the L'pool Wed'y. League
Daily Dispatch Schoolboys Competition, Unemployed Knock-out
Competition & the L'pool Football League.
Players on Transfer List read from Birmingham F. C. but no