
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Hotel, Liverpool
			on Tuesday, 11th February, 1936.]

		Present :- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			excepting Messrs H. Banks & A. R. Wade.

			Minutes of Meeting held on the 6th
		inst., were read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts were reported :-
		Gate v Aston Villa Res.		£102.1.8
		 do  v Hoylake			£  5.6.3
		Sheffield Wedy. F. C.	20%	£31.19.0
			A cheque was signed :-
		Theo. Kelly	      Wages &c.	£380.0.0
			Bank Balance £3368.5.1 Cr.

Messrs Banks & Wade	The former was reported unchanged in health
		but the latter to have slightly improved Mr. Wade's letter read.

T. Charnley		This ex-Secy. of the Football League
		having passed away, it was agreed that a wreath be sent.

Results			Following results were reported :-
		v Aston Villa 1-1, v Aston Villa Res. 1-0, v Hoylake 2-1.

Dr. & Trainer's Report	Dr. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all
		players fit except Britton & Coulter.

Teams			Following teams were chosen:-
		v Wolverhampton W. (h) 15th inst.
		Sagar, Cook, Jones, Mercer, White, Thomson, Geldard, Cunliffe,
		Dean, Stevenson, Gillick Res. Jackson.
		v Wolverhampton Res. (a)
		Same team & reserve as last week.

Official to W'ton	Mr. J. Fare.

Hunt (Tottenham)	Mr. W. C. Cuff reported that no fair judgment
		could be made of this player's capabilities, owing to the
		state of the ground.