not be considered with regard to an exchange of players.
F. A. re Nursery Clubs Letter read asking for our experiences in this
connection. Secy. instructed to write & inform the F. A. that
we had not now, or at any time in the past had, a Nursery
Club. Mr. W. C. Cuff was deputed to attend a Meeting in London
on the 10th inst.
L'pool Gymnasts Assocn. This body were granted 18 Complimentary
tickets for our match on March 28th to enable them to
entertain their Belfast guests.
Donation Twenty pounds was granted to the League
of Welldoers in lieu of a collection at the ground.
Collection Royal Southern Hospital were granted
permission to make a collection at the ground on 14th March.
Players for Transfer Lists read from Sheffield Wedy. F. C., Grimsby Town,
Doncaster Rovers & Workington F. C.'s but no action taken.
Players to Watch Mr. W. C. Cuff to watch Hunt (Spurs).
Messrs Coffey & Gibbins do Bury v Swansea.
Mr. F. W. Lake do Treanor & Harker (Accrington).
Mr. J. Fare do Sherborne (Chorley).
Next Meeting Tuesday, 11th February at 4.30 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
W. C. Cuff