106 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on Thursday 6th February 1936.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all Directors excepting Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Attending Lancs. F. A. Meeting), H. Banks & A. R. Wade. Minutes of Meeting held on 28th ult. & of Finance Meeting of the 4th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Middlesbro £1518.10.8 Huddersfield Town F.C. 20% £ 19.14.4 Cheques were signed for:- Football League 1% £ 12.0.9 Middlesbro F. C. 20% £194.8.8 Customs & Excise Tax £248.12.9 L'pool City Police Services £ 12. 9.0 Theo. Kelly Wages &c. £350. 0.0 Bank Balance £3643.14.9 Cr. Absent Directors Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that Mr. H. Banks was not quite so well recently & a message was received that Mr. A. R. Wade was very ill. Secy. instructed to write the letter expressing the regret of his Co-Directors at his inability to attend, & wishing him a speedy return to health. Medical & Training Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all players fit excepting Coulter a Britton. Jones & King were doubtful. Results Reports were given of the matches v Huddersfields Town 1-2, v Middlesbro 5-2, v Sheffield Wedy. 3-3, v Newcastle Res. 1-3, v Prescot Cables 1-1. Players Coach Mr. W. C. Cuff reported his interview with the players & the favorable manner in which his introduction of Mr. H. Hart had been received. Teams Teams were chosen:- v Aston Villa (a) 8th inst.