97 player. What Fee was required & where would he be playing on Saturday next. Players' Wages This question was discussed & it was decided to increase the wages of Jones & Mercer to £8 per week, and the wages of Bentham to £6 per week when he was in the First Team. Midland Bank Letter read from Mr. Pyke stating his Directors had agreed that the rate of interest on overdraft would be ½% over Bank Rate a minimum of 4%. Birmingham F. C. Secy. reported that the Birmingham F. C. had telephoned about the loss & Gate through our late arrival on Dec. 21st last. Decided to write Birmingham, that on account of the extraordinary condition that existed, we could not accept any financial responsibility. Collection An application from the Panto Students to make a collection on the Ground on Jan. 18th was granted. Same was granted to the Merseyside Blind for Feb. 15th. Players on Transfer Lists read from Wolves, Derby, Hull & Burnley, but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. W. C. Cuff to make enquiries re Cheetham, Queens Park Rangers. H. Hart to watch Smith (Millwall). Next Meeting Thursday 16th inst. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman