90 War Loan & It was decided that the Bank Overdraft & Overdraft War Loan be deferred until next week. Hullett It was reported that W. Hullett had accepted our terms of £2 per week. Hartill (27) Letter read from Fulham F. C. asking where this player would be playing this week.(96) Tunney Secy. reported that our Amateur, E. Tunney had been selected to play for the Lancashire F. A. XI v Staffordshire on Jan 11th. South African (78) Secy. reported that there was no Tour further news (125) Special Training Decided that the following Seventeen players proceed to Buxton. Sagar, Cook, Jackson, Jones, Britton, White, Mercer, Thomson Geldard, Leyfield, Bentham, Stevenson, Cunliffe, Miller, Gillick, Dean, Archer. Next Meeting Monday, December 30th at 6pm Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman