87 Bill (Tranmere) Mr. F. W. Lake gave a very good report of this player. It was decided to ask the Club if they were (93) considering parting, having regard to a possibility of an exchange. Bealtic (St Johnstone) Mr. R. Cochran gave only a poor report of this C. F. Mr. W. C. Cuff read a letter he had received stating that the Club were not prepared to transfer the player just now (93) Booth (Bangor) & Mr. J. Fare could not form a judgement of Williams (Northwich) the former but stated that the latter was very good, & a well built youngster of 19, 5'10" & 11st. Readman (Blyth) After Mr. W. Laines report of this player was read, it was agreed that we had no interest in him at present. Barrington (N'ton) Mr. J. H. Ford reported that fog had interfered in the game he had attended & it was impossible to form an opinion of this players capabilities. Geldard It was decided that we were not pre- pared to part with this player to Newcastle Utd. F. C. (166) F. A. Cup 3rd Rnd. Secy. reported that we were drawn at home v Preston Nth. End on Jany. 11, 1936 & it was agreed to have the following reserved seats:- Members & Shareholders stands & Block F, 5/-. North & Sth. Endo Bullens Rd. & Blocks D. & E. 3/6. CL Match v Wednesday Decided to agree to the suggested inter change of fixture, viz. Jan 11th 1936 & April 13th 1936. L'pool Corporation Bill Secy. instructed to attend the Meeting at the Town Hall on the 19th inst. Owen 24 Gwladys St. This tenants appeal for financial assistance was not entertained. Donation Appeals As formerly the Bootle Kiddies + Xmas Treat Fund was granted Two Guineas but the appeal from the Salvation Army was not entertained. Letter of Thanks This was read from the organizer of the Everton Poor Children's Fund.