
		openings. He thought Urmson very good. Mr. E. Cooper was not so
		impressed by Bell, whom he thought had done poorly.

Cunliffe (Villa)	Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of this player but
		reported very well of Broome who had played C. F.

Burton (Doncaster)	Mr. T. Fleetwood was not impressed by this player.

Rhyl Players		Mr. F. W. Lake was not particularly favourable
		to these inside forwards, but was very keen about the attributes
		of Booth, inside right of Bangor City.

Williams B. D.		It was reported that none of the Clubs
		approached, were interested.

Imrie (Newcastle)	Newcastle Utd. F. C. offered this halfback
		at £4000 but no action was taken.

Kavanagh T.		Tranmere Rovers F. C. requested the transfer
		of this R. H. but it was decided to retain this player
		for the present.

A. Stanger		Application from this player for an
		engagement was not entertained.

Players on Transfer	Lists read from Sheffield Utd. & Halifax Town
		F. C.'s but no action taken.

Donations		Two Guineas each was granted to the Everton
		Poor Children's Fund as the Workmen's Mission, as last year.

Transfer of Shares (73)	This was approved from Mrs. E. Barton to her
		son G. F. Barton, the Nos. being 2214/1072/1073 (120).

Letters of Thanks	These read from Bootle Mayors Charity Fund
		& Central Y. M. C. A.

Lift Boy		Decided to provide this employee with
		an Overcoat to match his suit.

Glover			Grimsby Town F. C. Stated that they were
		not prepared to transfer this player just now.

H. Sadler		Mr. A. Coffey reported having witnessed
		a breach of regulations, permitted by this employee. Secy. was
		instructed to caution H. Sadler against a re-occurrence.

T. H. McIntosh		It was agreed that the Club had no personal
Proposed Memorial interest in this proposal.