80 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, on Thursday, Dec. 5th 1935.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all Directors excepting Messrs Coffey & Banks & Dr. Baxter. The Minutes of Meeting held on 26th ultimo, were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported :- Gate v Sunderland £2495.6.11 Grimsby Town F. C. 20% £ 74.0. 5 Cheques were signed:- Football League 1% £20.1.6 Sunderland F. C. 20% £296.0.10 Customs & Excise Tax £412.10.11 L'pool City Police Services £20. 14. 0 J. Storey Vacant Pass. 4 Gwladys St. £25. 0. 0 Bennet Furnishing Co. 1st Inst. Blk - Chrs. £140.0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages &c. £320.0.0 A Cheque was signed for B. D. Williams Benefit, for £650 but Secy. was instructed to withhold same until further notice. Bank Balance £6277.3.2 Cr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches :- v Sunderland 0-3; v M/c City Res. 2-1; v L'pool Varsity 8-3. Dr. & Trainer's Report These were given & stated all players to be fit except Stein, Coulter, Allen & Dickinson. Teams Teams were chosen:- v West Bromwich Albion (a) Dec. 7th Same as last week. Reserve :- Williams v Blackburn Rovers Res. (h) King, Jackson, Cresswell, Gee, Clark, Thomson, Hughes, Miller, Webster, Stevenson, Archer. Reserve :- Hartill. Dr. to West Bromwich Mr. W. C. Gibbins.