Burton (Doncaster) Mr. H. Hart was not impressed by this O. R and
Mr. T. Kelly thought he had played very well, these opinions being
of different matches.
Bullock (Oakengates) Mr. T. Fleetwood did not fancy this O. R. but
he gave a good report of Goodchild (G) of the same team.
Scottish & N. E. Messrs Cochran & Laine's reports on the
Players players of these districts, were read.
Gallery (Wolves) Mr. J. H. Ford gave only a fair report of
this player.
Notice of Motion Mr. A. R. Wade's proposed that Hartill &
Miller be placed on the Transfer List, but was not supported.
Amateur Team Mr. G. Evans withdrew his proposal
regarding an additional Amateur team, pro tem.
Xmas Boxes After some discussion, final consideration
was deferred until the next meeting. (85)
Asphalting Secy. instructed to write Mr. Leitch re
his firm's responsibility over the unsatisfactory condition
of the new passage & strong room flooring.
S. A. Tour (75) Agreed that Messrs Cuff & Green meet
Mr. G. A. Jenkins this weekend to discuss terms. (90)
Cunliffe (A. Villa) Decided that we were not prepared to
bid for this player who was 27 next Feby.
Hampson H. It was reported that this player had
re-affirmed his refusal of the terms offered.
Williams B. D. Agreed that the fee asked for this player
be reduced to £2,000.
Donation. The sum of two Guineas was granted
to the Everton Red Triangle Club.
Letter of Thanks Secy. read a further letter from Messrs B.
Players on Transfer. List read from Blackpool F. C. but no
action taken.
Players to Watch Messrs Sharp & Evans & Dr. C. S. Baxter to
watch Dellow (Manchester City).