69 [Special Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, November 14th 1935.] Present:- W. C. Cuff, C. S. Baxter, A. Coffey, G. Evans, W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, J. Sharp and A. R. Wade. The Chairman referred to the loss sustained by the Company owing to the death of their Secretary Mr. T. H. McIntosh, and having recorded their appreciation of the loyal and excellent services rendered by him to the Company and its Directorate during the past 16 years invited their consideration of:- (a) What, if any, provision be made, as a tangible expression of such appreciation, to his widow and children. (b) What, if any, terms and conditions should be attached thereto. (c) What, if any, steps be taken to appoint. 1. A Team Manager. 2. A Secretary Manager. 3. A Secretary. (d) The personnel of the office. After considerable deliberation it was resolved:- (a) and (b) That a sum of £650 be appropriated and invested with Lewis's Ltd. at 3% - such sum with the interest thereon to be payable during the pleasure of the Board to Mrs. McIntosh at the rate of £3 per week until 1.