67 to return to L'pool on the night of the 23rd inst. Donation Three guineas was granted to the Poor Children's Health Holiday Fund. Letters of Thanks These read from Mr. H. King & the L'pool Ramblers F. C. Players on Transfer Lists read from Clyde & Burnley F. C. but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. W. C. Cuff to Watch Morgan (Torquay) Mr. E. Green do Kernaghan (B. Celtic) Mr. G. Evans do Cheetham (Q. P. R.) Mr. W. C. Gibbins do Hetherington (P. N. E.) Aston Villa F. C. This Clubs enquiry &c. Leyfield reported Secy. instructed to offer them Hartill. Next Meeting Thursday, 14th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.