65 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool on Tuesday, 5th Novr., 1935.] present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors with the exception of Messrs Coffey & Banks. Minutes of Meeting held on 28th October, were read & confirmed. Finance Following receipts reported:- Gate v Stoke City £1615.1.5 Blackburn Rovers F. C. 20% £100.13.0 Thos. Cook & Sons Refund on a/c Stein's injury £21.3.9 Cheques were signed:- G. Green Vacant possession 44 G.St. £25.0.0 L'pool City Police Services £15.5.0 Customs & Excise Tax £263.15.11 Football League 1% £12.16.1 Stoke City F. C. 20% £200.14.11 Theo. Kelly Wages &c. £350.0.0 Bank Balance £6840.0.6 Cr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches:- v Stoke City 5-1, v West B. A. Res. 1-1, v Earlestown W. S. 4-2. Dr. & Trainers Report Mr. T. P. McMurry's letter re Coulter was read. Dr. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all players fit except Stein & Coulter. Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported the unchanged condition of this Director. Mr. T. H. McIntosh The Chairman expressed the regrets of the Board at the loss of the Secretary & the Asst. Secy. was instructed to write Mr. McIntosh conveying to her the condolences if the Directors in her bereavement. Teams Following teams were chosen:- v Manchester City (a) 9th inst.