
Liverpool F. C.		Enquiry from this club for Cunliffe reported.

Hampson			Decided that the Secy. interview this players parents.

Player Wages		Decided to make the following increases:-
		King from £4 to £5. Jackson & Jones from £5/10/- to £6 weekly.

Mecca Cafe	(55)	Agreed that an early opportunity should
		be taken to study the facilities of this Co. at the Tottenham ground. (104)

Lancs. F. A.		Reported that Tummey, Hullelt & Hampson
		had been chosen for the Amateur Trial at Leyland on 2nd prox.

Last Scrip		Agreed to issue new scrip to Frances Loughran
		against the indemnity supplied in respect of shares 191 & 192 & 2288.

Outsides Left		Lists submitted to each Director.

Players for Transfer	List read from Hull City F. C. No action taken.

do to Watch		Arrangements left to Secy.

Stein			This player granted permission to have a
		few days leave in Scotland.

L. U. F. A.		Secy. instructed to write Mr. Grant regarding
		deputising for Mr. McIntosh during his absence.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, 5th November, @ 6 pm.

				Confirmed as correct
					W. C. Cuff