63 Lyman (Northampton) Mr. W. C. Gibbins stated that this O. R. did not please him playing at O. L. but McCartney (O. R.) Millwall played very well & was young. Hampson (Leeds) This player did not play, but Dr. C. S. Baxter thought Hargrcares (O. L.) had been good apart from his finishing. Rimmer (Bolton) Mr. G. Evans could not recommend this man, but David (I. R.) was very good. Doncaster Players Apart from Burton (O. R.) the best forward altho. small, was Burton (O. R.) but Mr. J. Fare did not see any other player worthy of mention. Galley (Wolves) Mr. T. Fleetwood thought highly of both this player & Astill (I. L.). Galley had played at left-half. Bullock (Oakengates) Mr. J. Elliott recommended this O. R. who was 5'7", 19 yrs. & 11st & also Goodchild (G). Both players could be had for £150. Irish L'gue v Scottish L'gue Mr. T. Kelly gave a report of this match, & considered Kernaghan (O. R.) Belfast Celtic a very promising player for 16 years of age. Mills (Aberdeen) Letter read from the club, noting that they had decided not to part. Gillick (Rangers) Secy. reported that although this O. R. was injured, the Club were not prepared to part. Cheetham (Q. P. R.) Mr. J. H. Ford strongly recommended this C. F. Morgan (Torquay) Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a very good report. of this O. R. & also praised Leivesley (L. H.) & Lowery (I. R.). Gleave (Prescot Cables) Mr. F. W. Lake stated that this O. L. had played a very good game, but was not so good as Green (O. L.) Dore. Welsh (Annfield Plain) Mr. W. Laine gave a further good report. Bagley (Bury) Mr. J. Cahill gave this O. R. a good report. Dodds (Sheffield Utd.) Letter read from Club that they were not prepared to part. South African Tour Further details reported. Decided to suggest an earlier date for commencement of tour. Asphalting Decided to consider at next Meeting.