60 Directors to Blackburn Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey, A. R. Wade & W. C. Gibbins or G. Evans. Ireland v England Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey gave a report of this match at Belfast, wherein Sagar had done well in the W. C. C. winning team, as also had McCullough & Kelly for Ireland. Alderson (Darlington) Mr. W. Laine's report was read & Mr. J. Stein gave his verbal report of this I. R. whom he could be recommend. Caldwell (P. Vale) Mr. J. Fare stated that this O. L. had played on the right wing & had done nothing of note. He was 23. 5'8" & 10½ st. Rimmer (Bolton) Mr. H. Hart stated that this O. L. had been very good in the 1st half but had been too much concerned with defence in the 2nd half to be very effective. He was 24 or 25 & about 5'6½". He thought Hampson (L. H. ) of Leeds Utd. was very promising. Galley (Wolves) Mr. F. W. Lake reported that this player had been at O. R. and recommended that he be seen again. Welsh (Annfield Plain) Mr. W. Laine gave a further good report of this L. B. & stated that he would see him again. Briscoe (P. N. E.) Mr. E. Green & Secy. reported that this O. R. had played a very promising game. Outsides Right Lists of 2nd Division players submitted. Guilden Sutton F. C. Agreed to make this Club a Donation W. c. c. of Ten Pounds. South African Tour Secy. instructed to get further details before next meeting. (72) Mills (Aberdeen) (14) Decided to ask what price the Club desired for this player. Scoreboard Secy. instructed to ask Mr. Morton to include Merseyside 3rd Div. Northern Clubs on the Scoreboard. (169) Players on Transfer Lists read from Aston Villa, Bradford & Celtic F. C's but no action taken. Leyfield Permission granted this player to reside at Warrington where he had taken a business. Hampson & Players (57) Secy. instructed to put these items Wages on the Agenda for next Meeting. (72)