57 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel L'pool, Tuesday, 15th Octr. 1935.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chairman) & all Directors excepting Messrs Banks & Wade. The Minutes of Meeting held on 8th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Wolverhampton Res. £97.0.4 Cheques were signed:- Merseyside Professional Footballers Golf Champship. per W. S. Bibby £10.10.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Excs. £340.0.0 Bank Balance £6753.12.6 Cr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the Matches v Wolverhampton Wands. 0-4, v Wolverhampton Res. 5-0. Dr. & Trainers Reports These declared all players to be fit excepting Stein, Coulter & Leyfield. Coulter & Dean Mr. W. C. Cuff detailed the interview with the former, & it was agreed that the latter's case be deferred for the present. (169D) Team Selections v Chelsea (h) Oct 19th. King, Jackson & Jones, Britton, White T & Mercer, Geldard, Miller, Dean, Stevenson, Archer. Res. Gee. v Bury Res. (a) White F., Williams, Cook, E. Tunney, Clark, Thomson, Hughes, Bentham, Dickinson, Hannon, Saudham. Res. Watson. Director to Bury Mr. W. C. Gibbins. West Ham Utd. Acknowledgement read of our notice re Williams. Hampson H. (49) The refusal of this players parents to allow him to sign professional for the terms offered was reported & it was agreed to let the matter stand as it was for the present. (60)