43 praise to this I. R. & it was agreed to play him in the C. L. team v Bolton. Sullivan (Brentford) Mr. J. H. Ford gave a poor report of this O. L. Southport v Rotherham Mr. J. Fare saw nothing of interest have but Seagrave (C. H.) had played well. Blackburn Rovers F. C. This Club desired to know if Cunliffe was for transfer or exchange, but the suggestion was not entertained. Programmes (40) Mr. W. C. Cuff's letter & Mr. E. A. Morton's reply read to the Meeting. (57) Players Union & Insurance Chairman made reference to the negot- iations of the Players Union & the Football League with regard to Players Insurance. The whole matter was to be ably dealt with by the Management Committee of the F. League. Staff Outfits Agreed that the Trainers wear these at home matches only & that so far as the groundsmen were minute of the previous meeting be rescinded. concerned, the matter be left in abeyance. R. A. C. Signs Decided that secretary make enquiries from this club, regarding Director signs to the ground in the main roads of Liverpool. F. A. Photograph Decided not to purchase a copy of the new F. A. Council photograph. News Chronicle Fund Appeal read for permission to take collection in aid of this Wireless in Hospitals Fund, but not entertained. Letters of Thanks Letters read from the Lord Mayor, J. Search, Ellesmere Port Town F. C., & Football Association. Association Football Decided that 5 Dozen copies of this be book be purchased & distributed to Directors & Players. Players on Transfer Lists read from Sheffield Utd. & Tottenham Hotspur F. C's. Decided to ask the latter re Hunt & Evans. Practice Match Donations Mr. W. C. Cuff brought forward his suggestions regarding this allocation, & these were approved as follows:-