29 Army F. A. It was agreed to play a match v an Army XI at Aldershot on Decr. 11th next. Outing to Scatboro. Letters of thanks were received from the Football League & Mr. T. Ruskton for the pleasant time they had had. Merseyside Church} It was decided to issue this institution with Crusade} 20 complimentary tickets for K Block for our match on 23rd Septr. Marconiphone Mr. A. Coffey gave a report of the sub Committees meeting with Mr. Pulford. Secy. reported that the Marconiphone Coy had sent a man down to overhaul the installation & it was now much better in tone. Decided to ask the Coy as to the suggested new fuse boxes. F. A. Charity} Secy. reported that he had won the toss Shield} v Arsenal & the match was to be played on our ground on Wed. 11th Octr. Photo News Agencies Letter read from this firm complaining about the fees asked for taking picture of players in training. Decided to reply that if they made applications direct to the Board, they would deal with the matter. Advertising Matches It was decided to advertise on the Posting Stations of Allens Ld. The Ferry Boats & the local Rly. Stations per W. H. Smith & Sons. Secy. instructed to order special posters. Players to Watch Secy. to arrange for the following players to be watched by the Staff viz. Howie & Brown (Stenhousemuir), Renwick (Albion Rovers) Robertson & Smith (Dundee) & Chambers (Halifax). Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman