28 Napier (Celtic) Mr. H. Hart reported that in his opinion, this player did not play too hard. He was injured in second half. He played left half. J. Balmer Secy. reported his interview with this player & his father. It was agreed to play him in C. L. team v W. Bromwich on 26th inst. L'pool Senior Cup Secy. reported we had been drawn against L'pool in preliminary round of this Cup & had provisionally agreed the date as Sept. 27th. The Board confirmed this. Lythgoe Memorial} It was agreed to suggest Oct. 18th for date Cup} of this Cup tie postponed from last season. Lancs. Senior Cup It was decided that the K. O. in this match on 4th Oct. be at 5.30 pm. 207 Walton Lane Estimates for the decoration &c. of this house were received from the following:- J. A. McCulloch £28.19.6, W. Clarkson £29.14.0, Davey & Sons £35.0.0, C. R. Harris £36.17.0. The action of Mr. H. Banks in accepting the first named tender was confirmed. Sunday Chronicle The Secy. was granted permission to contribute an article to this paper. Donations The following donations were granted:- L'pool Workmen's Mission £5.5.0, Kirkdale F. C. £2.2.0. Racing Club de Paris Letter read from this club offering to play us a match in Paris on Sunday 12th Novr. next. Secy. explained that it would not be possible for us to get to Paris in time to do so & consequently the offer was not entertained. Damage to Spectators} Letter read from Mr. W. James claiming for Hat} damage to his hat at the Practice match. Secy. stated it was caused by another spectator whilst kicking the ball back on to playing pitch. Decided that we deny liability.