
Friendly Matches	Applications for matches received from
		the Peruvian & Chelsea F.A. Dublin Bohemian's &
		Belfast Glentoran not entertained.

207 Walton Lane		Secy. reported that the tenant had left
		this house owing 1 month's rent. The house was
		stated to be in a bad condition & it was decided
		to obtain estimates for the necessary repairs
		& proceed with the work.

Presentation to		It was decided that a sub-committee
Mr. A. Coffey	consisting of the Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey to
		deal with this matter.

Presents to Directors	The question of presents to the Directors
		to commemmorate the winning of F.A. Cup
		was deferred pending enquires to be made
		by the Chairman.

Photos			It was decided that a photo of the 12
		players who took part in F.A. Cup ties last
		season & one of the whole of the players &
		trainers be taken by Mr. F. H. Fyfe.

C. L. match v Blackpool	Decided to agree to Blackpool F.C.'s suggestion
		to kick off at 6:10 p.m. on 6th prox.

Presents to Players	Letter read from the Editor of the Evening
		Express suggesting that a public subscriptions list
		be opened by them for the purpose of giving
		presents to Players & Officials to commemorate
		the winning of F.A. Cup & asking if the Board
		approved of same. The Board gave their approval
		but pointed out that the permission of the F.L.
		would have to be first obtained.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected for
		Practice Matches:-
		Blues v Whites Aug. 12th
		Blues - Sagar, Cook, Cresswell, Britton, White,
		Thomson, Geldard, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein.