
		of guarantee they were prepared to offer.

Football League		The Minutes re our League match at Leeds
Minutes		& our Danish Tour were read.

Everton F.C. Canada}	An application from these clubs for financial
Litherland F.C.} assistance was not entertained.
Northwich Victoria F.C.}

Preston N. E. F.C.	Letter received from this club asking if
		we were prepared to part with Common or
		any other players. Decided we could not
		do so at present.

F.A. Charity Shield	Secy. was appointed to meet the Arsenal
		F.C. representative to toss for choice of date
		& ground.

North Lonsdale		Letter received from Secy. of this Hospital
Hospital	asking if we would play match v Barrow
		F.C. in Septr. for funds of same. This was
		not entertained.

W. Laine		This representative applied for further
		consideration of the terms of his engagement
		but it was decided not to alter same.

Cup Competition		Letter read from Mr. J. Morley asking
		if we would interest ourselves in the formation
		of a competition for teams defeated in early
		rounds of F.A. Cup. Decided to take no action.

Marconiphone		Secy. reported the recommendations made
		by the representative of this firm. Agreed
		that a sub Committee consisting of Messrs A. Coffey,
		H. Banks & J. Sharp meet Mr. Pulford on Thursday
		next to go into the matter.

T. White's Dental	Decided to pay the a/c of £2.10.0 for attending
a/c		to Dental injuries to this player in the F.A. Trial

Captain &		It was agreed to re-appoint W. R. Dean
Sub Captain	& J. Thomson as Capt. & Sub Capt. respectively.