
				[Meeting of Directors held
				at Exchange Hotel, L'pool on
				Tuesday 1st August 1933]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
				except Mr. E. Green.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 20th
		June last were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Bank Balance was reported to be	£8175.19.2 Cr.
		Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Marine F.C.	½rent £50 & Donation £10	 £60.0.0
		Commn. of Inland Revenue	Income Tax	 £20.0.0
		T. H. McIntosh			Wages &c.	£240.0.0

Training		Secy. reported that the whole of the
		players had turned up & commenced training.

Clubmoor C. C.		Permission was granted for a match
		between our players & this club for the benefit
		of their groundsman.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfers of Shares were approved :-
		S. V. Fisher to W. J. Fisher	3 Shares Nos. 763-765.
		Ada. Hartley  to J. J. Baines	3   do	 Nos. 587-589.

P. H. Griffiths		Further letter received from this ex-player
		asking for a review of his claim for accrued
		share of benefit. Decided not to amend the
		previous decision.

Marine F.C.		Letter read from this club asking if the
		rent be amended to £110 instead of £100 & a
		donation of £10. Decided not to do so.

Army F.A.		An application from this Association
		for a match at Aldershot on Nov. {Dec.} 11th was deferred.

Racing Club		Secy. was instructed to enquire if this
de Paris	club would be prepared to play match
		with us in Paris on Nov. 11th & if so the amount