22 that the thickening of the bone had all gone & that he should have vigorous massage of the thigh muscles for a fortnight & after that, he would have a further examination. The player had been informed that he must attend the ground for this. Lancashire Cup Letter read from Lancs. F.A. asking us to try & play the 1st Rd. in Sept. Decided to adhere to 4th Oct. as that was the first available midweek date. Marconiphone Letter read from this Co. stating that they would send a representative down on the 25th or 26th inst. Bootle Crippled It was agreed to grant a donation of £2.2.0 Children's Joy Day to this Fund. L'pool Schools F.A. The letter from this Assocn. was further discussed & it was proposed to offer them a Wednesday in 1934 & to let the L'pool F.C. know what we intended to do. W. Laine This employee was to be offered £1 per week plus expenses for a re-engagement for next season. W. A. Coffey It was agreed to make a Presentation to this Director on the completion of his 21 years service on the Board and to ask the F.A.'s permission to do so if necessary. Wall in Practice Grd. It was decided to have this wall re-pointed & faced up at a cost of £6.15.0. Next Meeting This matter was left in the hands of the Chairman to fix. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman