20 the Shareholders for their vote, and at the same time he paid a tribute to the Secy and the whole of the Staff for the excellent work they had done. The Secy suitably responded. The Chairman then declared the Meeting closed & retired. At the conclusion of the Meeting Mr. Geo Carruthers proposed & Mr. W. R. Williams seconded that to show the Shareholders' appreciation of the 38 years loyal & devoted service by the Chairman to the Club that a presentation be made to him and suggested that the Shareholders be asked to subscribe the sum of 1/- each to a Fund to be formed for this purpose. The proposition was carried unanimously and a Committee was formed, comprising Mr. E. Green (Chairman) Messrs W. R. Williams, A. N. Deuars, W. Barnes, C. E. Dolby, H. Barker & T. H. McIntosh as Secy. to carry and the work. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman