19 Election of Auditors Mr. T. Burke proposed & Mr. J. Charters seconded that Messrs T. Theodore, Rogers, Bowler & Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas and this was carried unanimously. Election of Directors There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared the retiring Directors (Messrs A. Coffey, J. Sharp & himself) re-elected for the ensuing 3 years. He thanked the Shareholders very sincerely for their renewed confidence. List of Players The Secretary read a list of the players signed on for next Season (copy of which is attached) PLAYERS SIGNED. SEASON 1933-34. Goalkeepers:- SAGAR & COGGINS. Full-backs:- COOK, CRESSWELL, WILLIAMS, COMMON, JACKSON, & JONES & BOCKING. Half-backs:- BRITTON, WHITE, THOMSON, GEE, ARCHER, MERCER, GRIFFITHS, CLARK & WATSON, T. G. Forwards:- GELDARD, CRITCHLEY, DUNN, DEAN, JOHNSON, STEIN, McGOURTY, TURNNR, WEBSTER, BIRTLEY, STEVENS, WATSON, J. G., LEYFIELD, CUNLIFFE. Vote of Thanks Mr. W. R. Williams proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Directors for their fast services & especially those of the last 3 years. He stated that the Shareholders had the utmost confidence in the Board & they were very proud of the position the club were in at present. Mr. T. Burke in seconding the proposition applauded the Directors action in taking such an interest in the old players. The Chairman in responding, stated that during the 12 years he had been in his position stated that this Board had been a united one and he paid a tribute to his colleagues for their unbounded loyalty to him. He thanked