in the Country and he desired to pay a tribute
to the Chairman of the Ground Committee (Mr H Banks)
who spent practically the whole of his time in
superintending same.
The value of our players was not included in
the Balance Sheet.
With regard to the playing record, both he
& his colleagues were very proud of the team's success.
Three years ago we were relegated & they were not
too happy over the position. The achievements
since then had been very great
and he paid a very warm tribute to the Players
who had shown wonderful team spirit and
loyalty to the club & no praise was too high
for them and he had the shareholders approval
to inform them of the great thought they had for
Mr J. Russell asked a question regarding the
Sundry Debtors, and the Chairman explained
that the bulk of the amount was owing at the
end of the Season by the FA for Cup Final receipts
which however had now been paid.
The Chairman thereupon moved the adoption
of the Directors Report, Statement of a/cs & Balance
Sheet and this was seconded by Mr A. Coffey
and carried unanimously.
Auditors Report The Auditors Report was read by Mr H. Bowler
of Messrs T Thos Rogers Bowler & Co.
Dividend On the proposition of Mr E Green seconded
by Mr W C Gibbins, it was agreed that a dividend
of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up
Capital of the Company for the year ending 6th
May 1933.