17 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at Law Association Rooms, Cook Street, Liverpool on Friday 16th June 1933] Present Messrs to W C Cuff (Chair), E Green, A Coffey, H Banks, W C. Gibbins, J Sharp, A R Wade, Dr C S Baxter, G. Evans and 69 Shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting. Press It was agreed that the representatives of the Press be admitted. Directors Report) On the motion of the Chairman, it was agreed a/cs & Balance Sheet) that the Director's Report, Statement of a/cs & Balance Sheet be taken as read. The Chairman in his remarks referred to the death of Mr C Hayes whose loss he deplored, as during his period on the Board had given satisfaction to his colleagues & the Shareholders. To fill the position, the Board had co-opted. Mr Geo Evans who in his short time, had proved to be a very valuable member. The increase in the amount for players wages & Transfer Fees was accounted for by the purchase of Geldard & Cook & the fact that we had not transferred any players for big fees as had been done during the previous year. He thought the Balance Sheet disclosed a very satisfactory state of affairs and showed that the Club was in a healthy & flourishing conditions. Stands & Erections had been written down to £19292, which was not the original cost of one. Our ground would compare favorably with any