
J Balmer		It was decided to offer this amateur player
		a trial in our August Practice matches.

Rights for		Offers were received from Bovril Ld
Selling Chocolate for £16 for the sole right for 1 year & from
& Sweetmeats	Barker & Dobson of £30 for 1 year or £35 a year
		for a period of 3 years. It was decided to
		accept the latter offer.

St Lukes Church		Agreed to grant the Vicar the use of the
		Practice Ground for a Children's Fete on Sat.
		July 1st.

Next Meeting		Decided that the Directors meet for Tea
		prior to the Annual Meeting at 6pm 16th inst.

					Confirmed as correct
						E. Green

League Management	It was decided to invite the members
Committee	of this Committee to an outing to Scarboro
		from the 3rd to 5th Augt. next. Secretary was
		instructed to make the necessary arrangements.

					Confirmed as Correct
						E. Green